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Hate Speech Monitoring Report - Remarks of Oktan Erdikmen

Incident Information

Date of Incident: June 22, 2023

Location of Incident: Germany

Identifying Information of Perpetrator(s) Oktan Erdikmen, Turkish-origin journalist

Hate Speech Analysis

Transcription of the hate speech statement: "Anayasayı Koruma Teşkilatı 2022 yılı raporunu yayınladı... Raporda Türkiye'nin de adı geçiyor. Türkiye, Rusya, Çin, İran ve Kuzey Kore ile birlikte Almanya'da casusluk faaliyeti gösteren ülkeler arasında sayıldı. Özellikle PKK ve Fetö gibi örgütlere yoğunlaşıldığı kaydedildi." (Translation: "The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution has published its 2022 report... The report mentions Turkey. Turkey is listed among the countries involved in espionage activities in Germany, along with Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. It is noted that there is a particular focus on organizations such as the PKK and FETÖ.")

Target group(s) of the hate speech: The hate speech is directed against individuals who are alleged to be members of the Gülen movement, specifically Akın İpek and Cemre Birand.

Justification of the hate speech: There is no justification for hate speech. Hate speech is generally rooted in prejudice, intolerance, and a desire to demean or harm individuals based on their perceived affiliation, characteristics, or beliefs.

Analysis of the hate speech statement: The statement contains hate speech due to the usage of the term "FETÖ" in the news report. It is important to acknowledge that "FETÖ" is a derogatory label used by the Turkish government to stigmatize and marginalize followers of Fethullah Gülen, a Turkish Islamic scholar residing in the United States. The deliberate usage of this term in the news report perpetuates negative stereotypes and contributes to the stigmatization of individuals associated with the Gülen movement. It is important to recognize that hate speech targets specific groups or individuals based on their characteristics, affiliations, or beliefs, and serves to demean, marginalize, or incite hatred towards them. By employing the term "FETÖ" to refer to individuals allegedly affiliated with the Gülen movement, the statement contributes to the amplification of discriminatory and harmful rhetoric. Such language further reinforces negative perceptions, fuels social division, and can lead to the marginalization and discrimination of the targeted group.

Contextual information: The hate speech statement is part of a report on Oktan Erdikmen, a Turkish-origin journalist in Germany, who used the term "FETÖ" in his report based on the German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution's 2022 report, even though the official document did not mention the term. The context of the report suggests a potential misuse of the term "FETÖ" to label and stigmatize individuals associated with the Gülen movement.

Impact of the statement: The usage of the term "FETÖ" may contribute to further stigmatization and discrimination against individuals associated with the Gülen movement. It has the potential to perpetuate negative stereotypes and create a hostile environment for this specific group.

Responses to the statement: Berlin Yeni Medya, a media outlet, criticized Erdikmen's language and called for him to apologize for using divisive and harmful rhetoric similar to that of President Erdoğan and his government.


The statement contains hate speech due to the usage of the derogatory term "FETÖ" to refer to individuals associated with the Gülen movement. Hate speech targets specific groups or individuals based on their characteristics, affiliations, or beliefs, and serves to demean, marginalize, or incite hatred towards them. The usage of such hate speech perpetuates negative stereotypes, contributes to the stigmatization of individuals, and fosters an environment of discrimination and social division. It is crucial to recognize the harmful impact of hate speech and to promote responsible journalism that upholds principles of equality, fairness, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their affiliations or backgrounds.

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