Jan 25, 2023

Hate Speech Monitoring Report - Remarks of Köksal Kuş

Incident Information

Date of Incident: January 21, 2023

Location of Incident: Duisburg, Germany

Identifying information of Perpetrator: Köksal Kuş, Union of European Democrats (UID) Chairman

Source: https://kronos36.news/tr/akpnin-avrupa-kolunun-baskani-koksal-kus-almanyanin-teror-orgutu-tanimamasi-bir-sey-ifade-etmez/

Hate Speech Analysis

Transcription of hate speech statement: "The fact that they [Germany] do not recognize FETÖ[1] members does not mean much to us... They [FETÖ members] are especially effective in the press and social media and they spread them," "While answering the question asked by our citizens about terrorist organizations, we see that they may have misinterpreted it, perhaps exceeding its purpose," and "They will resort to all kinds of ways to provoke the elections. Recently, we see that some groups have taken action to provoke the elections and that FETÖ members are behind these incidents. They are especially effective in the press and social media and they spread them."

Target group(s) of hate speech: Kurds and members of the Gülen movement

Justification of hate speech: Kuş claims that members of Gülen movement are spreading misinformation, attempting to provoke elections in Turkey, and resorting to all kinds of ways to do so. He also defends AKP MP Mustafa Açıkgöz's targeting and hate speech against Kurds and the Gülen movement.

Analysis of the hate speech statement: The statements made by Köksal Kuş, contain hate speech against the Gülen movement by using the term "FETÖ" which demonizes the movement, implies that its members are not legitimate, portray the movement as a criminal and violent organization, and behind efforts to provoke elections in Turkey and spreading misinformation through the press and social media. Furthermore, it also legitimizes the hate speech made by AKP MP Mustafa Açıkgöz against Kurds and the Gülen movement.

The use of hate speech serves to dehumanize and marginalize the targeted group, making it easier for people to justify violence and other forms of abuse against them. In this case, the hate speech used by Kuş demonizes the Gülen movement by implying that it is a criminal and violent organization, not a legitimate social or religious organization, and implies that its members are working to undermine the Turkish state. This hate speech also legitimizes the hate speech made by AKP MP Mustafa Açıkgöz against Kurds and the Gülen movement, furthering the dehumanization and marginalization of these groups.

Furthermore, hate speech that is based on misinformation, conspiracy theories and using pejorative language can lead to discrimination, marginalization and persecution. In this case, the hate speech statement made by Köksal Kuş implies that the members of Gülen movement are behind efforts to provoke elections in Turkey and spreading misinformation through the press and social media, which is not true. This can lead to further discrimination, marginalization, and persecution of the members of the movement.

In summary, the hate speech used by Kuş against the Gülen movement is dehumanizing, marginalizing and legitimizing further hate speech. It is based on misinformation, conspiracy theories, and using pejorative language, which can lead to discrimination, marginalization and persecution of the members of the movement.

Contextual information: Kuş made these statements in defense of AKP MP Mustafa Açıkgöz after the latter's statements targeting and hate speech against Kurds and the Gülen community were widely criticized and an investigation was opened about him.

Impact of the statement: The statement may further marginalize and stigmatize members of the Gülen movement living in Germany, and could potentially lead to more instances of hate speech and discrimination against them. It also implies that members of the Gülen movement are behind efforts to provoke elections in Turkey and spreading misinformation through the press and social media. Additionally, it may also legitimize the hate speech made by AKP MP Mustafa Açıkgöz against Kurds and the Gülen movement.


The statement made by Köksal Kuş, head of the European branch of the AKP, contains hate speech against the Gülen community by using the term "FETÖ" which demonizes the movement, implies that its members are not legitimate, portray the movement as a criminal and violent organization and behind efforts to provoke elections in Turkey and spreading misinformation through the press and social media. Furthermore, it also legitimize the hate speech made by AKP MP Mustafa Açıkgöz against Kurds and the Gülen movement. This can lead to further discrimination, marginalization, and persecution of the members of the movement.

[1] FETÖ is a derogatory term that the Turkish government coined to refer to the faith-based Gülen movement, which it deems a terrorist group responsible for a failed military coup in July 2016. Its US-based leader, Fethullah Gülen, denies any involvement in the putsch. The European Union and the United States have refused to adopt Turkey’s views on the group.